UMB Data Science

Welcome to Data Science: Turn Your Loose Enterprise Data Into Valuable Information.

The amount of data in companies is constantly increasing. Such data are usually unorganized and not directly usable. However, valuable information can be extracted from company data by implementing our data science know-how. Information that can be used for business planning, for example. With our “Welcome to data science” package, we can demonstrate the potential of your data - and deliver the first useful results.

From blockchain to AI: Realize the potential of your data

Be it artificial intelligence, blockchain or a data pipeline in the cloud: We will provide you with actionable insights into your company's data from every angle. Our data science experts will develop an initial customized solution for information retrieval. This will form an important basis for your corporate decisions in the future. Above all, you will be able to realize the potential of your data. Benefit from low initial costs and gain valuable business insights right from the start.

What is the «Welcome to data science» package?

The package covers artificial intelligence, data engineering (big data, real-time data, etc.), database systems, data analytics or distributed systems such as cloud, IoT and blockchains. The package will be divided into two phases: In the first phase, initial insights will be gathered or systems to be investigated will be developed for a desired topic. In the second phase, we will hone the findings or gather new information for comparisons. After each phase, we will present our findings in the form of a 30-minute presentation on-site or online. All systems are developed as standalone and easy-to-transport software components using Terraform or Ansible.

On Azure, AWS, Google Cloud or in your own data center

«Welcome to data science» is available on different platforms. We offer the service on Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, or on-prem in your own data center. We document in code, within PDFs and in the Git repositories.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • You will be able to realize the potential of your data - without large investments.
  • We will provide business insights on which you can base strategic business decisions and planning.
  • You can identify trends and improvement potential in your company.
  • First exit option for ongoing projects.
  • Explore multiple topics spread across multiple packages, for example, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data engineering, and more.

Advantages of Data Science from UMB

Your contacts

Benjamin Sen
+41 58 510 10 71