«The network is the main artery of your IT. I prevent its failure.»

Network Connector
Ensures a healthy and secure network in your company.

The current situation

The network transports data and is the lifeline of your company. A sound and, above all, stable connection is important. More and more data needs to be transmitted; performance can become unstable due to high volume.

Networks also pose security risks. It is not a coincidence that there is special NDR software today that permanently scans the network for suspicious activities.

The challenges

Network power: These days, more and more data needs to be transported. This is a permanent challenge for the performance of networks. At the same time, the requirements for data traffic security are increasing.

The solution

UMB network: We design high-performance and future-proof networks. Because nothing goes without secure and reliable transport of your data. We create time by allowing data to flow reliably and without interruptions within your company. With UMB you build on a healthy and secure network. And you can concentrate on your core business.

UMB Network Services

As a result, you will gain 10 000 hours/year for your core business.


More info

The advantages of UMB network services.

  • Everything delivered from a single source, including the network. To make sure your infrastructure works in harmony
  • Decades of experience with a wide variety of networks and requirements
  • Leading edge with high partner status for Fortinet, Cisco, etc.
  • 24/7 network support throughout Switzerland
  • 40 proven network specialists
  • Security Angels' network security know-how
  • Additional transparency through monitoring - resulting in faster problem resolution
  • With our holistic network approach, you will be safe all around.

Vorteile des Data Science der UMB

Support works great, issues are followed up quickly and energetically until resolved.

Christian Wittenhorst, IT Manager, Zug Cantonal School

Your contacts

Noam Suisa
+41 58 510 13 45