[Translate to Englisch:] IBM Mainframe

Modern Mainframe Solutions for Maximum Performance.

The mainframe remains a reliable workhorse in many large companies. UMB implements and supports mainframe system landscapes based on IBM components. Our team works professionally and enthusiastically to provide the best possible solution. We are the largest Swiss IBM partner and have been offering unrivalled expertise for many decades.

IBM mainframes: Scalable, secure, and exceedingly reliable

It's been around since 1964, it's often been declared dead, but even today it's impossible to imagine the IT landscape without it: mainframe architecture such as IBM Z, characterized by maximum availability, scalability, and security. Mainframes from IBM let you take advantage of this technology platform and benefit from its reliable functionality – IBM’s competitive edge over other providers is still considerable.

Operating system mode and virtualization according to your preference

You can run operating systems on the platform under the following modes:

  • Native Mode: All available hardware resources are used (not available in all configurations).
  • LPAR Mode: Hardware resources are divided into logical partitions and the CPUs are virtualized; there are currently up to 85 LPAR systems possible in this mode.
  • VM Mode: Hardware resources are virtualized, using hypervisor systems such as z/VM or kernel-based virtual machines based on Linux.

Common operating systems support the following virtualizations, among others:

  • Dynamically add and remove CPUs: CPUs can be added and removed without restarting the operating system.
  • Dynamically add and remove RAM: Memory can be added and removed without restarting the operating system.
  • Dynamic addition and removal of disk storage: You can dynamically add and remove direct access storage device disks or SCSI/FibreChannel disks.
  • Virtualized Ethernet adapters: Real network adapters can be made available in many different virtualization modes - up to 1500 virtual network adapters per card are possible for virtual systems.
  • Cryptographic subsystems: Hardware for cryptography support is also available in virtualized form.

Your advantages with UMB mainframe, IBM Z

  • We employ ten proven and experienced mainframe specialists
  • We are the largest IBM partner in Switzerland
  • IBM Z offers different operating system modes and virtualization on demand
  • For decades, we have had the most satisfied customers in Switzerland
  • We are an active member of Guide Share Europe.

Your advantages with UMB mainframe

Your contacts

Maciej Serafin
+41 58 510 16 58