Put the Cloud on Your Wish List!

Inevitably, the pandemic has had an impact on the digital strategies of many companies, which in turn has led to much greater use of cloud technologies. The cloud is now part of the IT infrastructure at most companies. Those who do not have it put it on their wish list.

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Ralf Stäheli
+41 58 263 27 00

"Cloud is about how you do computing, not where you do computing”, former VMware CEO Paul Maritz once said. In other words, cloud computing is changing the very approach of an enterprise IT strategy, not just the location of its servers. Most IT managers in companies large and small now understand that such a cloud approach provides clear benefits. A recently published IDG study asked IT managers in German-speaking countries specifically about these advantages[i].


The cloud provides flexibility and lowers costs

Lower costs or more flexible pricing are most often cited as the reason for cloud deployment. Also mentioned are goals, such as a more adaptable use of resources, a higher security level, and automatic software updates. The degree of utilization as well as the level of satisfaction with cloud services is developing equally positively: Almost half of the CIOs surveyed estimate that 50 to 70 percent of their workloads are already being handled in the cloud. For another 20 percent of those surveyed, this proportion is even higher; already between 80 and 90 percent. User satisfaction is high too: around 60 percent are happy and satisfied with the cloud, while only six percent are dissatisfied.


From the private cloud into the multi-cloud

The IDG survey shows that more than half of IT managers prefer their own private cloud. However, the private cloud is increasingly substituted by multi-cloud models.  This also increases the complexity of infrastructure management: over 70 percent of those surveyed work with several cloud service providers. Today, such collaboration is easier than ever. Numerous well-known providers (e.g. Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud or IBM) offer cloud services and thus cover many different organizational needs. However, the huge cloud offering available today sometimes makes it difficult to choose the right provider. 


Security is an excellent argument for cloud deployment

The cloud is a very secure place for processing and storing data. One of the great advantages of the cloud is the lack of human interference. When cloud data is hacked, it is usually due to human error. Kaspersky conducted a study last year showing that, in nine out of ten cases, data integrity in the public cloud was violated by social engineering[ii]. In other words, 90 percent of corporate data breaches in the cloud were caused by cloud users, not cloud vendors. Another aspect making the cloud more secure is the ability to work with multiple providers to minimize losses in the event of outages.


UMB is a cloud leader

According to “ISG Provider Lens 2020” for Switzerland[iii], UMB is one of that country's public cloud leaders. If you too would like your company to benefit from the cloud, more agile business processes, reduced investments, and more adaptable IT infrastructures, we can help you. Put UMB's cloud services on your wish list. We are data center, cloud, and connection specialists and have the best partners, the necessary know-how, and the appropriate infrastructures. Please contact us.


[i] Studie Hybrid IT 2021 (free download)

[ii] https://www.techradar.com/news/90-percent-of-data-breaches-are-caused-by-human-error

[iii] https://research.isg-one.com/reportaction/Quadrant-PC-Switzerland-2020-CTS/Marketing