Fueling up_for the UMB mission.

UMB remains UMB. The IT surround strategy is the vital engine of digital transformation. Everything, always, everywhere - that is our goal. Let our experts guide you through the changing trends. We will gain even more brain power for our mission by the end of the year when the three IT companies swisspro Solutions, ngworx and alphaTrust will join us.

Martin Gartmann
+41 58 510 12 15

It is our ambition to accelerate your technology transformation - and for this purpose you need trustworthy and visionary IT surround care. «creating time» is our fuel for change. This is how we unleash the full potential relevant to overall success. That's why inspired colleagues are our most valuable asset.

We look forward to fueling the UMB rocket with even more brain power.

Martin Gartmann, UMB CEO: « The rocket has been launched and we are looking forward to a joint happy landing by the end of the year».


Our team of experts

UMB aims to achieve maximum impact by purposefully aligning your company's history and future with advanced technology. For this we have a team of experts.


UMB business consultants

We will work with you to define your steps - your starting position, your opportunities, and your next stages of development. Step by step. read more


UMB architects

We will design an innovative and scalable IT landscape that will grow or change with your needs. read more


UMB security angels

We will ensure that IT remains a blessing for you. They will act with foresight but also in case of an emergency. read more


UMB cloud experts

We will guide you through the cloud jungle and point out the best choice for you. Because there are no bad clouds; there is only bad advice. read more


UMB geniuses

We will build a modern workplace for you. Just order whatever you need. We will deliver, you plug in and work. Wherever, whenever, the latest tools for your business. read more