Exchange 2010 Support Will End on October 13, 2020

After a prolonged grace period, support for Exchange 2010 will now definitely end on October 13, 2020. Companies still using Exchange 2010 should start preparing for migration immediately to avoid coming under pressure. They have a choice between the cloud-based Exchange Online version (Office 365) and the local versions Exchange Server 2016 and 2019.

  #Digital Workplace   #Microsoft   #Microsoft 365 Assessment  
Lars Zängerle
+41 58 510 17 15

Continuing to operate Exchange 2010 will pose risks

After October 13, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide support in the event of technical problems. Security patches for vulnerabilities will also no longer be transmitted, and regular security updates will be a thing of the past. The risk for affected companies will therefore increase sharply. Incidentally, Exchange 2010 is not the only Microsoft product that will no longer be supported from 13 October 2020: The same date applies to Office 2010. SharePoint Server 2010 has been extended to 13 April 2021.


Cloud or not cloud - that is the question

Exchange Server 2016 and 2019 (both supported until the end of 2025) and Exchange Online, the equivalent from the Microsoft cloud, differ only marginally in functional terms. Factors such as data storage and costs therefore influence the decision as to whether the Exchange Server should be deployed locally or migrated to the Office 365 cloud. Even if the trend clearly points towards the cloud, the answer to this question is not clear. Until recently, the initial situation with regard to data storage was clear: anyone who opted for Office 365 and Exchange Online in Switzerland had to accept that the data was stored on foreign servers. With the arrival of the Microsoft Datacenter in Switzerland this barrier has been removed.


Microsoft Teams gains momentum

Another deciding factor recently gaining in importance is Microsoft Teams. The communication platform has met with great interest from many companies, but can only be deployed to a limited extent in combination with a local Exchange environment. If you are interested in Microsoft teams and want to use the full range of functions, a migration to Exchange Online (Office 365) should be given priority.


Support with your migration strategy

Haven't you decided yet whether you want to keep the Exchange Server running locally or in the cloud? What is your specific situation from a commercial point of view? How would a migration to Exchange Online proceed technically? UMB is not only regarded as a pioneer in the Office 365 sector, but also has excellent engineering expertise in the Exchange 2016 and 2019 area. We would be pleased to assist you competently

