Business Apps: “Build once, deploy anywhere“

Red Hat, the world leader in open source solutions, is leading the global race for multi-cloud container platforms. According to Forrester Research, OpenShift is the most widely deployed multi-cloud container platform in the market.

  #Red Hat   #Cloud Governance   #Cloud Strategy   #Container Platform   #Container Platform as a Service  
Stephan Albrecht
+41 58 510 16 22

Red Hat is still mostly associated with the enterprise operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is true, even today Red Hat still participates in many open software projects. But the company has a lot more to offer: it provides storage, operating system platforms, middleware, applications, management tools, as well as support, training, and consulting services.


OpenShift: Top marks for strategy and market presence

The Forrester Research Red Hat OpenShift evaluation focused on multi-cloud container development platforms[i]. There were 29 criteria evaluated in three categories: 'Current product range', 'Strategy' and 'Market presence'. Compared to the competition, Red Hat OpenShift scored best in all categories. According to Forrester's evaluation, OpenShift is now the most widely deployed multi-cloud container platform and is characterized by powerful development and unified operating experiences across many public and corporate platforms. As stated by the analyst team, Red Hat pioneered the 'operator' model for infrastructure and application management and offers a wide range of partners and a popular marketplace. Red Hat has been acquired by IBM last year for $34 billion; this year, Forrester commended Red Hat and IBM for their joint commitment to Kubernetes-driven modernization and their "build once, deploy anywhere" motto. According to Forrester, this has paid off and has advanced OpenShift since the last evaluation.


More than 2000 businesses use Red Hat OpenShift

Because applications need to run on a variety of hybrid infrastructures, Red Hat OpenShift provides a single platform for containerized applications, designed to make deploying such applications in complex hybrid IT infrastructures easier and less complicated. This approach seems to be very successful: More than 2000 companies now rely on the platform.

OpenShift is based on the world's leading Linux operating system and forms the core of Red Hat's open hybrid cloud portfolio. In addition to data center and private cloud deployments, self-managed and hosted options for OpenShift are available from all major public cloud vendors, including Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, and the UMB Cloud. Ashesh Badani, responsible for cloud platforms at Red Hat, sees OpenShift as a bridge between existing IT deployments and a cloud-based future that unites development and IT operations teams on a common platform.


Container for security and portability

Containers make it possible to isolate applications and their entire environment, i.e. all files required for execution. This makes it easy to move an application between different environments (development, test, production) while maintaining full functionality. Linux containers help reduce conflicts between your development and operations teams by separating responsibilities. And because Linux containers are based on open source technology, users benefit from advances as soon as they become available.

Containers are also an important part of IT security. By integrating security measures into the container pipeline, containers remain reliable, scalable and trustworthy. For organizations that need ultimate portability across multiple environments, choosing to deploy containers should not be a difficult decision.

Red Hat OpenShift provides self-service environments for the lifetime of your apps, so developers always have a consistent base of code that will make all the difference. Modern applications require resources from multiple infrastructures. The OpenShift platform includes centralized management and visualization tools to ensure consistency across the cloud and within the enterprise. Our specialists will be happy to show you how you can use OpenShift to your advantage. Please contact us.

